Grounding / Relaxation for ALL

The Mellow Mommy Method of HEALING & MANIFESTING”… a meaningful family life of your dreams. 

This coaching originally started off as an infant massage class for pregnant moms… 20 years ago!

I'm so proud of how the class has evolved over the years…to a sacred experience—teaching valuable skills for living a fulfilled life…on a PURPOSEFUL PATH! The Mellow Mommy Method of Manifesting…offers Energy Healing attunements (activation) and Daily Practices (using Holistic Healing & The Law of Attraction). 

In this fun, hands-on coaching session, you'll learn research proven tools & techniques for purposeful, joyful living:

The Experience is custom tailored for your specific group.

You’ll learn the Mellow Mommy Method…along with these Research Proven Healing Arts Techniques— to strengthen your connection and promote over-all well-being.

  • BREATHING DEEPLY- Improves digestion, Improves mood, Improves memory, Reduces stress

  • MEDITATION- Enhances self-awareness, Strengthens immune system, Reduces risk of heart disease, Increases creativity and productivity

  • ENERGY HEALING- Reduces heart rate, Lowers blood pressure, Reduces anxiety and depression, Activates the body’s natural healing process

  • MASSAGE THERAPY- Eliminates toxins, Reduces cortisol levels, Promotes deep sleep, Increases circulation

What is Energy Healing? Breathing, Meditation, Massage…those “Healing Arts” techniques, I’m sure you’ve heard of…but Energy Healing might not be so familiar. Incase you’re wondering… Energy Healing has been around for thousands of years. Yes, it may sound "far out there". That’s what I used to think, until I experienced it myself. It’s REAL!

Think of Star Wars..."may the force be with you!” That's an easy way to relate. This invisible force—ENERGY—is everywhere...including our bodies. When our energy is flowing, we are VIBRANT & HEALTHY…living our “best life!” Most people have energetic blocks within, (keeping them stuck…repeating toxic patterns, ”self doubt / sabotage” etc)…caused from all life experience (from childhood trauma, to daily stress). Energy Healing activates the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks. Yes, this ancient holistic approach may seem “new agey,” but is now making its way into mainstream. Hospitals and medical centers around the world are using energy therapy for diagnosis and treatment.

Learn to unblock stuck energy...and facilitate healing… on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level—for YOURSELF & your family!

Reduce daily stress and strengthen your connecton…a “win-win!”


Pregnant Couples (Mellow Mommy Babymoon)


Moms - (Sacred Mama Getaway)…

For any stage of Motherhood (Mommy, Mom, Mother, Grandmother, God-mother, Auntie.) Renew with an Energy transmission from a Reiki Master (me) to clear toxic, negative / blocked energy. Mom's are the "glue" that hold the family together! Take the time to nurture you...relax, recharge & reconnect with your inner spirit!...& with your girls! We all need to connect with our "Goddess Tribe"..."Sisterhood", nothing quite compares to that connection! It provides a grounding healthy balance for the soul...along with self care! A refreshing fun time with girl friends while learning valuable skills for nurturing the caregiver we all are as women. Refuel & Refill the Glue! Learn reflexology & energy healing to share with your family! Great for Mom's Night Out, Girlfriend Getaway or Family Reunions.


Family / Mates… (Retreats for anyone)

For couples, families, friends…I'll come to your vacation rental or home with pillows & mats for your personal retreat. Have fun together learning valuable skills for living well with guided meditation, energy healing, partner massage & stretches for the whole family. We all have healing energy within us, right at our fingertips ... and feet too ... Learn the basics of energetic balancing with simple foot shiatsu. It's a lovely addition to a Reiki Healing Spa Session in the privacy of your “Sonoma County, California” or “Albuquerque, New Mexico” Vacation Rental...your own personal retreat that comes to you!


Rates: Private / Travel to you / $299.00 for two people Group / $150.00 per “couple” for groups up to 8 people (ask about special “family rates”). (includes digital copy of “The Mellow Mommy Method” instructional guide book).



"It's really as simple as stepping on a stone.”

"You're not only receiving one of the best massages you could ever received, but you're also learning to incorporate relaxation techniques into your everyday life.  Cindy came to our cottage with mats, music, pillows, and other objects to help teach us simple relaxation techniques. It was such a hands-on lesson. She guided us through all of the techniques, allowed us to practice, and provided us with a colorful booklet for us to keep as a guide. The foot reflexology techniques are something that we have continued to use almost every night - it's really as simple as stepping on a stone."

— Rob N. / San Francisco

"Thank you Cindy, I'll be back!"

"Cindy's presence was immediately warm and safe, as if she was an old friend. She taught me practical massage techniques that I can share with friends, as well as she taught me relaxation techniques that I can utilize in my daily life.

Cindy also treated me to the most relaxing, energetically healing massage that I could have asked for on my birthday."

 — Kaela M. / Folsom, CA

"Cindy is a skillful instructor"

"My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting Cindy during a recent stay at a Retreat Center. We signed up for her 'Mellow Mates' massage class. Cindy is a skillful instructor who does a terrific job of getting to know her audience and tailoring her lessons to meet their needs and expectations. My wife and I both learned a lot about massage therapy and enjoyed getting to know Cindy in the process."

— Roland S. /Incline Village, NV


Spend quality away time with family & friends.